Controtelaio in lamiera zincata 20/10 con 8 punti di ancoraggio
Telaio fisso in lamiera d’acciaio prerivestita colore nero goffrato di sp.20/10
Anta monolamiera pressopiegata d’acciaio zincato 12/10 con doppio omega di rinforzo verticale e due omega orizzontali
Serratura ingranaggi 668 G a cilindro europeo
Defender antistrappo DS 200 forma tonda
Cilindro R50 con sistema antibumbing (confezione 5 chiavi più 1 da cantiere)
Piastra antitrapano 30/10 a protezione della serratura
Lama parafreddo
Limitatore di apertura
5 rostri fissi in acciaio
Doppio deviatore superiore ed inferiore
2 cerniere regolabili in altezza, larghezza e profondità.
Spioncino quadrangolare 200°
Accessori serie tonda line ottone lucido
Tappi in nylon copriforo
Kit cornici in legno perimetrali al pannello interno
Rivestimento interno liscio laminato (sp 7 mm)
Rivestimento esterno predisposto (sp. 14 mm)
Guarnizione anta battente in EPDM
Guarnizione esterna in PVC coestruso antiestinguente
Guarnizione a pressione su telaio lato inerno porta in PVC coestruso
Certificazione in Classe 3 a norma UNI EN 1627
Certificazione termica 2,6 W/m²K
Standard Dimension | |
Net clearance |
External counter frame |
800x2100 | 926x2163 |
850x2100 | 976x2163 |
900x2100 | 1026x2163 |
Customized: smaller or egual to: 1130x2480 mm lnp |
Supporting frame made from galvanized steel th. 20/10 with 8 anchorage points
Fixed frame made from steel pre-finished with black embossed paint th. 20/10
Door made from single bent sheet of steel th. 12/10 with double vertical and horizontal reinforcement bars
European cylinder gear lock 668G
Anti-tear defender device DS 200 round shape
Cylinder type R50 with anti bumbing system (5 keys+1 service key)
Anti drill plate th. 30/10 in order to protect the lock
Cold protection blade
Opening limiting device
5 fixed steel rostrums
Double upper switch
Double lower switch
2 adjustable hinges (width high and depth)
Wide-angle spyhole 200°
Round polished brass accessories (Knob handle and studs)
Nylon caps
Internal frame kit in wood surrounding the panel (Bd 200 Exit excluding)
Internal wood glazing bead on type BD 200 Glass and Bd 200 Steel
Internal smooth tanganica finishes category B2 (th.7 mm) (to be selected)
External finishes (th.14 mm) (to be selected)
Hinged door gasket in EPDM
Pressure sealing of the internal door frame co-extruded PVC
Class 3 burglar resistance UNI en 1627
Predisposition to steel grill on BD 200 Steel
Predisposition to safety glass Blindovis 18/19 + chamber + external fusion
on BD 200 Glass and BD 200 Steel
Safety handle on type BD 200 Exit
External gasket in Pvc co-extruded
Thermal certification 2,6 W/m²K
Supporting frame made from galvanized steel th. 20/10 with 8 anchorage points
Fixed frame made from steel pre-finished with black embossed paint th. 20/10
Door made from single bent sheet of steel th. 12/10 with double vertical and horizontal reinforcement bars
European cylinder gear lock 668G
Anti-tear defender device DS 200 round shape
Cylinder type R50 with anti bumbing system (5 keys+1 service key)
Anti drill plate th. 30/10 in order to protect the lock
Cold protection blade
Opening limiting device
5 fixed steel rostrums
Double upper switch
Double lower switch
2 adjustable hinges (width high and depth)
Wide-angle spyhole 200°
Round polished brass accessories (Knob handle and studs)
Nylon caps
Internal frame kit in wood surrounding the panel
Internal wood glazing bead on type BD 200 Arched Glass and Bd 200 Arched Steel
Internal smooth tanganica finishes category B2 (th.7 mm) (to be selected)
External finishes (th.14 mm) (to be selected)
Hinged door gasket in EPDM
Pressure sealing of the internal door frame co-extruded PVC
Class 3 burglar resistance UNI en 1627
Predisposition to steel grill on BD 200 Steel
Predisposition to safety glass Blindovis 18/19 + chamber + external fusion on BD 200 Arched Glass and BD 200 Arched Steel
Safety handle on type BD 200 Exit
External gasket in Pvc co-extruded
Thermal certification 2,6 W/m²K